On the news they say that following days will have degrees above 40 Celsius. I hope it doesn’t get too complicated with a small baby:/ However, with the sea that has probably some 25 degrees I cannot complain. It is just great 🙂 Ada loves it. I have never seen a child loving water so much ( and I have taught some 500 to swim). She just steps I to the water with no fear or at least to get used to the temperature. NO she just runs into the water and enjoys it for an hour or so. She has become an attraction to all people on the beach, because she just screams of joy when playing in the water.
Na vijestima su javili da ce slijedecih par dana biti pakleno toplo sa temperaturaMa preko 40 C . Mada sa morem koje je sigurno nekih 25 stepeni ne smijem kukati. Jednostavno je uzivancija kupati se. Pogotovo Ada uziva. Nisam nikad vidjela da dijete neko toliko vodu (a naucila sam preko 500 djece plivati). Ona kad dodje na plazu trci u vodu niti se boji niti se ” navikava” na vodu. Postala je atrakcija na plazi jer bukvalno vristi od srece kad se kupa 🙂