A friend and I where discussing relationships. At her institute there is some real chaos. A boss cheated on his wife, another one got pregnant with her xth child (the x.th is not from her husband), another one found out that his dad doesn´t like his wife so he decided to break up and so on and so on. We were than chatting about relationships and came to talk about cheating. Conclusion !Cheating is also when someone is pretending to be something they are not. And for years they “cheat” on their partner, until it is not more possible and a “coming out” comes. The “cheater” is annoyed because his/her partner “wanted to change him/her instead of just love him/her” but all the partner really wanted was to keep the “cheater” the way they got to know each other. He doesn´t know and doesn´t like the “new” person. And then “cheaters” wonder why their partners leave them…
Sjedimo ja i prijateljica i pričamo o vezama. Na njezinom institutu haos te ova muža prevarila, te muž ženu , te ova dijete ima sa nekim drugim pa je sad u razvodu, te ovaj jedan skontao da tata ne voli njegovu ženu pa eto razvodi se i tako još par priča ima. Uglavnom kroz priču skontamo da ima još jedna prevara o kojoj se nikad ili rijetko priča a to je kad neko glumi nešto što nije. I zavlači godinama svog partnera, pa neki čak i djecu (3.e djece!(?)!) dobiju i dalje zavlače, da bi na kraju kad ga partner skontao rekao pa eto to sam ja!! To sam ja! I onda se čude što ih ostavi partner…