Slow(E)mergency / Hitna

The weekend started bad with Ada getting fever. I had given her pills for reducing the fever but nothing happened because in Germany I had gotten homeopatic (?)suppositories for Ada. Honestly, who gives homeopathic suppositories to children? I didn´t even know that existed. The fever didn´t descend  (so much for the placebo effect) and Ada was in pain so I decided to go to the emergency or better said “Slowmergency”.

At Astrid Lindgrens hospital , I came to some kind of receptionist- a nurse doing the check up of of your child. Measuring the fever, asking all the necessary questions and so on. Then she sends you to the cashier. There is no waiting time there. You get ripped off in a second and then comes the waitiiiiiing.
First round of waiting was one hour that followed by a check up of the fever. In meantime we counted the children in the room. There were 10 children. After an hour of waiting I asked the nurse when it is our turn, because while waiting not a single child had been checked up on. I was trying to keep myself civilized but I was already quite annoyed. She said (very calm which was even more annoying) it will take a couple of hours and the child that had been waiting the longest time not meeting a doctor had been there since 20h!! It was 00.30h when she said that.
How can a rich country like Sweden let children suffer unecessarily?
There is something seriously wrong in the system when 10 children (not 100) wait for hours in the emergency? Luckily, there had been no accident or so but most of the children had only the flu and fever.
For me and Ada the visit ended when Ada´s temperature normalized and I decided to take Ada home. So in the end I waited for almost 2 hrs, I did not meet or even see any doctor BUT I paid for the emergency “care”.  Still I felt happy to eave that place with Ada.
doktorVikend je lose poceo jer je Ada dobila temperature. Dala sam joj cepice medjutim nista se nije desilo jer su mi u Njemackoj dali homeopatske cepice za Adu. Poludila sam. Ko daje homeopatske cepice djeci? Nisam znala ni da postoje. Naravno, temperatura se nije smanjila (toliko o placebo efektu) i odvela sam zato Adu u hitnu.

U Astrid Lindgren bolnici prvo dodjes na recepciju gdje jedna medicinska sestrica provjeri temperaturu i postavlja pitanja o djetetu. Poslije toga te posalje na kasu da platis. Tu su brzi. U sekundi te opljackaju i onda te stave na cekanju… koja traje citavu vjecnost. Prvo smo trebali cekati da vidimo ako se Adina temperatura smirila. U medjuvremenu smo prebrojali koliko je djece u Sali. Bilo ih je 10. Nakon sat smo pitali sestricu kad je nas red, jer za tih sat vremena ni jedno jedino dijete nije bilo pozvano. Vec sam bila iznervirana. A sestrica mi je mirno (ali mene je to tako iritiralo) rekla da cemo trebati cekati par sati a dijete koje je najduze cekalo a da nije srelo doktora je cekalo od 20h. Vec je bilo 00.30h kad mi je to rekla. Jadno dijete.
Kako moze jedna bogata drzava poput Svedske da pusti da joj se djeca bezpotrebno pate?
Nesto nije u redu sa sistemom kad doktori nisu u stanju desetora djece (a ne 100) za pet sati da pregledaju.Srecom, nije bilo nikakvi nesreca nego su to bila vecinom djeca sa gripom.
Za Adu i mene je posjeta u „hitnoj“ zavrsila kad sam vidjela da joj je temperatura pala i odlucila sam da dijete odvedem da spava kod kuce. Tako da smo na kraju cekali 2h u hitnoj, nismo sreli niti vidjeli i jednog doktora ALI smo platili ”uslugu”. Ali svejedno, drago mi je da sam mogla otici kuci Adom.


Emergency / Hitna

Today, my daughter swallowed the packaging  from the tissue paper and it got stuck in her throat and she started to choke. Luckily my husband managed to  get it out , but afraid as he got he called the emergency so the doctors made a check to see if everything is out. It is incredible how  things  can change  in a second. ..So lucky me I missed the emergency car outside our door, while I was in the city with a friend… Even thinking of it I get goose bumps


Danas je moja kcerka progutala foliju od maramica i pocela se daviti. Srecom muz je uspio da sve izvuce, ali se ipak toliko prepao da je zvao hitnu. Hitna je dosla i doktori su pregledali Adu da vide da li je sve ok. Nevjerovatno kako se mogu stvari u sekundi promijeniti… Srecom ja sam promasila citavu uzbunu jer sam bila sa prijateljicom u gradu….Samo kad pomislim na tu situaciju najezim se…